Sunday, October 24, 2010 seems so easy

Monopoly has always been one of my favorite games. As a kid, I would literally sit on the floor and play by myself (using four or more pieces of course) because my parents and siblings hated to play the game. Tiffany even bought a Patriots monopoly set for my 22nd birthday:) I used to play it with friends when I was growing up. Then I was introduced the the McDonald's monopoly game. In the second grade, Tiffany and I searched for spare change at both of our houses so we could buy things from McDonalds to get pieces. Then one day, we pulled allllll the dandelions at my parent's house because mom HATED dandelions. It took us probably four hours and we worked and worked so we could get money to buy more pieces. Mom gave us two dollars! She didn't realize until years later how long it took us and why we were trying to get money. I've played the McDonald's monopoly game since that time, although i've never won more than a free breakfast sandwich or an order of fries. Now here I am, age 23, and still playing. Tiffany and I still put our pieces together to try to win. Last night, we were talking about which pieces we had and I thought she had the piece we needed, Pennsylvania. We could have won $50,000 to share. Turns out she had Pennsylvania railroad haha. We now are in the position where we could win with every color if we could find the missing piece. It seems so easy. Then I started thinking about what we would do with the money...we wouldn't buy a new car or a new TV (although Luther might argue for the new TV). We would go see Ellie in Korea and the rest would go to school loans. How nice would that be? Well for now, we'll keep searching for the missing pieces. Vermont, Boardwalk, Pennsylvania,  Short Line, Marvin Gardens, Ventnor, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and St. Charles. I'll let you know if we win!

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