Sunday, January 23, 2011

Choices...choices...and more choices

I've been pretty busy with school so I haven't posted within the last couple weeks. My idea of posting once each week during the "11 weeks of craziness" didn't last long! I'm finishing up week 3 (or is it 4?!).  My three classes started last week. I'm taking a class on creating a comprehensive school counseling program, one on special education, and one on curriculum theory. They're all pretty interesting to far. I'm finishing up week one but Luther, who is my biggest encourager, keeps pushing me to do more and more assignments so I won't be pulling my hair out when my huge assignments are all due...I'm finishing up week 2 and am half-way done with work for week 3. so far, so good!

Luther and I also celebrated our 2nd anniversary! It doesn't seem like it's been that long already! God has really blessed us!

This past week has been kind of rough. I've come down with something from my precious kiddos at work and was out of work Thursday and Friday. I'm still recovering and the medicine does not seem to be helping! It may be God's way of saying I need to get some rest while working full-time and going to school full-time. God always knows what we need.

So for some reason, today I have "choices" on my mind. This past week I have been reminded of all the choices we make in adulthood. Growing up we have our group of friends and as we get older, the people in our group changes, but the purpose of the group remains the same. Friends are a support system. They come to each other with dilemmas and hope to gain clarity and insight. Some choices are big and some choices are small. I have friends who are pregnant, friends who are trying to get pregnant, friends who are working on plans to get out of debt, and friends who are making life-changing decisions about jobs. It's hard when your friends vent and share frustrations/concerns and you don't really have an answer for them. Life isn't a right or wrong answer most of the time. Is my life going to fall a part if I make choice B instead of choice A??...probably not. I think as I get older I realize how important it is to pray. God doesn't have to be this scary being that doesn't seem real. He is a king, a father, and a friend. He is the guide and has all the wisdom we could ever need. Being in his presence is awesome when we take the time to do so. I know I'll never have the right answers so I'll just spend my time praying for my friends instead of trying to figure out the right words to say. That's the best thing I could do for them anyway:) Prayer can do amazing things. <3

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